
recache is a file system cache, it watches recursively a directory tree or a file content and updates the data on changes, optionally it may provide the content and the stats for each element stored in the cache.

Comparison with fs.watch and fs.watchFile

recache provides a more reliable cross-platform way to deal with file system watching, subdirectories are being watched recursively. Under the hood recache uses fs.watch() and fs.watchFile(), but alleviates the different caveats that node fs watch methods have by checking fs stats.

Comparison with chokidar

In general chokidar and recache solve the same problems related to unreliable default node fs watching methods. While chokidar is more focused on watching for fs changes in multiple locations and calling functions on specific events, recache is about watching a single directory tree or file and also reading its paths, stats and content directly using only its API. recache is a pure JS solution and does not require any code compilation on installation.

Any feedback is welcome!

Works with node.js 8.0+!


npm i recache


recache(path[, options, callback])

recache will load directories and files provided in the path argument. Directories are recursively traversed, their content is loaded into the memory and watched for changes. Following options can be defined for the cache:

The last argument is a callback function which is executed only once, in the beginning when all the files and directories are loaded in the memory, the same functionality can be achieved by listening for the ready event.



Metadata about the cache, it is an empty object which should be used by the user.


The absolute path of the root element of the cache.


location: string

Get the element from the provided relative location. If no location is provided then the element from the root location is returned. If the required location was no found then null is returned. Returned element is object that has the following readonly properties:


location: string

Checks if the cache has an element on the provided location.


filter: (location: string, index: number, list: string[]) => boolean

List all possible readable sources with an optional parameter to filter elements. If no filter parameter is provided then all readable elements of the cache are returned as an array of strings.


Destroy the cached data.

Emitted events


const recache = require('recache');

const cache = recache('/path/to/files', {
    filter: (path, stats) => {                  // Filter cache elements

        // Filter for hidden files
        if (stats.isFile()) {
            return /^(?!\.).+$/.test(path);

        return false;
    persistent: true,                           // Make persistent cache
    store: true                                 // Enable file content storage
}, (cache) => {
    console.log('Cache ready!');

    // cache.read(...);

cache.on('error', (error) => {
    console.log('Something unexpected happened');

cache.on('ready', (cache) => {
    console.log('Cache ready!');

    // cache.read(...);

cache.on('update', (cache) => {
    console.log('Cache updated!');

    // cache.read(...);

cache.on('directory', (directory) => {
    console.log('new directory added: "' + directory.location + '"');

cache.on('file', (file) => {
    console.log('new file added: "' + file.location + '"');

cache.on('change', (element) => {
    if (element.stats.isDirectory()) {
        console.log('directory "' + element.location + '" changed');
    } else {
        console.log('file "' + element.location + '" changed');

cache.on('unlink', (element) => {
    if (element.stats.isDirectory()) {
        console.log('directory "' + element.location + '" removed');
    } else {
        console.log('file "' + element.location + '" removed');

cache.on('destroy', () => {
    console.log('Cache destroyed!');

/* List cache elements */
=> ['']

=> ['', '1.txt', '2.txt', '3.txt', ...]

/* Get cache elements */
=>  {
        content: Buffer<00 01 02 ...>   // file content
        data: {},                       // file metadata
        location: '<root>/file',        // file location
        path: '/path/to/file',          // file path
        stats: {                        // file stats
            atime: ...
            ctime: ...
            mtime: ...

=>  {
        content: ['1.txt', '2.txt', '3.txt', ...],  // directory content
        data: {},                                   // directory metadata
        location: '<root>/directory',               // directory location
        path: '/path/to/directory',                 // directory path
        stats: {                                    // directory stats
            atime: ...
            ctime: ...
            mtime: ...